What We’ve Done

Recent Engagements

The NewLine team has provided assistance to local financial institutions and International Financial Institutions in structuring and funding transactions, including whole business and portfolio purchases/sales, warehouse funding structures, covered bond investments and securitizations, as well as providing evaluations of housing finance businesses and portfolios, and acquisition and private equity investment advice relating to mortgage and consumer finance companies. NewLine Advisors has also provided guidance to banks, governmental entities and NGOs on a range of financial matters, from the strength of legal frameworks to facilitate financial markets to the viability of NGO business plans. A variety of these assignments are listed below:

Mortgage and Consumer Finance Transactions in Emerging Markets

  • Designed and currently implementing a 30,000 unit affordable housing programme in Jordan in conjunction with local banks and the Government of Jordan of over $500 million
  • Advisor to Palestinian Investment Fund on the development of a $500 million affordable mortgage and housing finance program with debt financing from the Overseas Private Investment Corporation, PIF and local bank partners, and credit support from the International Finance Corporation and the UK’s Department for International Development
  • Design and establishment of mortgage credit enhancement company in India with planned investment by Asian Development Bank, HDFC, ICICI and various other Indian banks, domestic private equity and international private equity investors
  • Arranger for $30 million consumer loan portfolio financing for Delta Bank Ukraine, placed privately to investors
  • Advised private client Yuksel, on completion financing alternatives for mixed use tower block in Istanbul, and advised on construction financing options, including an OPIC facility, for new Asian Side development in Istanbul.
  • Design and establishment of US $125 million mortgage warehouse lending program in South Korea for the International Finance Corporation. Program sold to ABN-AMRO shortly after launch and is presently owned by Citibank

Advisory Experience

  • Advisor to Build Change operating in Haiti, Indonesia and Colombia on access to finance solutions for earthquake-resistant housing solutions at both the owner and construction ends
  • Advisor to UN-Habitat on the development of a scaled affordable housing programme in Jordan
  • Advisor to Government of Iraq on access to housing finance solutions for Internally Displaced People
  • Acted as advisor to a Panamanian consortium on the acquisition of a distressed bank micro housing and SME loan portfolio in Nicaragua
  • Assisted UN Habitat in the development of a housing and infrastructure finance programme and the establishment of a network of in-country loan guarantee facilities in Ghana, Sri Lanka, Indonesia and Tanzania
  • Review of Mortgage Lending Enabling Legislation in Nigeria for USAID and the Federal Mortgage Bank of Nigeria
  • Review of Legal Framework for Secondary Mortgage Market in Ukraine for USAID and National Bank of Ukraine
  • Investment evaluation on behalf of senior international investors of mortgage underwriting, servicing and special servicing processes and practice in select Polish banks for the International Finance Corporation and GMAC
  • Valuation advisor to IFC on selected mortgage company private equity and mortgage portfolio investments in China ($120 million) and Sri Lanka ($60 million)
  • Portfolio advisors to Merrill Lynch in respect of proposed mortgage and development loan investments in Morocco